A Wand-erful Day for Sussex Primary Schools: The Sussex Primary Schools Quidditch Festival at Cottesmore Prep School
This week, girls and boys from Mid Sussex and Horsham gathered together to take part in the ‘Sussex Primary Schools Quidditch Festival 2024’ at Cottesmore Prep School in Colgate, on the border of Mid Sussex and Horsham District.
At 10 o’clock on Monday, the young Hogwarts enthusiasts arrived at Cottesmore for a training session led by four skilled Quidditch coaches from Enrich Education.
Owl handling displays were also on offer between quidditch matches; Luke Lloyd of Horsham’s Huxley’s Birds of Prey Centre an experienced falconer was hired to give practical talks and hands-on demonstrations.
The final matches of the tournament took place after lunch, which was held in the beautiful wood-panelled dining room at the school. ‘Gryffindor’ were the victors of the festival and each participant received a bespoke ‘Cottesmore Quidditch Tournament’ medal. “It was a brilliant day. We had so much fun and I loved it when the peregrine falcon wouldn’t come down from the roof,” said Mia from Mid Sussex.
“What a hoot!” said Tom Rogerson Cottesmore’s Headteacher of the occasion. “We loved having these wonderful Sussex Primary Schools at Cottesmore today. The children were a real credit to their schools.”
Cottesmore School hosts the Sussex Primary Schools Quidditch Festival every year and they would be delighted to receive registrations for next year. One can find out more on their website: https://www.cottesmoreschool.com
Cottesmore School is a prep school for girls and boys from the ages of 4 to 13 between Colgate and Pease Pottage. Cottesmore was ‘Prep School of the Year 2020-21’ Tatler Schools Awards. You can find out more about the school on their website: www.cottesmoreschool.com, or call on 01293 520648
Our Open Morning will take place on 10th May 2025 at 10 am
To receive more information on our Pre-prep or Prep School, please contact Admissions on 01293 520648 or by email; [email protected]